Mini Bakeries (Tz) Limited

Mini Bakeries, incorporated in 1983, with its roots in Mombasa, is the company behind the successful Supa Loaf brand. The company was established with the key objective of manufacturing and distributing various ranges of bread and has become a market leader over the last three decades. The manufacture and distribution of baked goods throughout Kenya and more recently Tanzania and Uganda is an important element of the group’s core expertise. The steady growth of the East African economies has influenced modern retailing trends and Supa Loaf can be found in supermarkets, dukas and kiosks in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The different sizes of the bread, timely deliveries and a diverse product range have enabled the brand to cater for the different customer needs. Mini Bakeries has directly and indirectly employed over 3000 people including bicycle vendors and distributors who in turn employ others to ensure Supa loaf is delivered to consumers on time, when and where convenient. Supa Loaf has become a leading brand and was nominated as a Super Brand in 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2011 and is compliant with the Kenya Bureau of Standards. The manufacturing and distribution network is set up with its customers in mind to ensure that Supa Loaf is supplied while still very fresh to over 10,000 retail outlets within Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The brand has continued to meet customer expectations through attention to detail in terms of its taste and texture.